With the rapid development of electronic information technology, the production of a variety of circuit boards demand greatly increased. Copper as a key raw material for anodizing electroplating process, the demand is greatly increased, in which PCB high precision circuit boards must be used as phosphorus copper ball for anodizing. Phosphorous copper ball is mainly used for PCB circuit boards of electronic devices, especially in the collaborative innovation of double-layer PCB circuit boards such as an indispensable key component of electronic equipment, very rely on high quality PCB anode oxidation of phosphorous copper ball as the basic raw materials for the production of PCB circuit boards. Therefore, the demand of nickel alloy anodized ball is very rich. In this paper, the key is to introduce PCB phosphorus copper ball in detail, the first detailed introduction of PCB electroplating copper need to use phosphorus containing copper ball, followed by the discussion of the use of phosphorus copper ball in PCB and phosphorus copper ball worldwide sales market forecast, the actual follow Xiaobian let's get to know.
Does PCB electroplating copper need to use phosphorus containing copper ball
In the early days, the electroplating process of copper sulfate used electrolytic copper or T2 oxygen-free copper for anodizing. The output power of the anodizing power switch copper ball was up to 100% HGor even over 100%, which constituted a series of problems: The copper water content in the tank continues to rise, the preservative consumption is accelerated, the vermiceli and anode mud in the tank increase, the anodic oxidation application output power decreases, the coating is very high incidence of art copper ball as burring and not smooth defects.
In 1954, British Neverse et al discussed anodizing and found that: A very small amount of phosphorus is added into the anodizing, which is solved by titanium electrode over a period of time (anodizing black film of titanium electrode is the key to proper electroplating process, so it is considered that titanium electrode is used to drag cylinder plate/false plating plate/wave plate for 4~10 hours under the copper ball current intensity of 2-3ASD gate valve), and the surface of copper anodizing is transformed into layers of gray black phosphorus film. The main ingredient is phosphating copper Cu3P. This layer of black film has the conductivity of metal materials, which changes the system process of some strong reactions in the process of copper anodic oxidation melting system, effectively defeats some of the defects described, and plays a key role in the quality of copper and the reliability of processing technology.
The melting of copper anodized is mainly converted into bivalent copper ion. Discussion and experiment (rotating ring scale and constant current method) confirm that the melting of copper in copper sulfate solution is carried out in two steps.
Cu-e-→Cu+ primitive strong response 1
Cu+--e-→Cu2+ primitive strong response 2
The air oxidation of cuprous ions into bivalent copper ions under the effect of anodizing is a slow strong reaction, and it can also be transformed into bivalent copper ions and elemental copper through the strong reaction of disproportionation, as in the strong reaction of organic chemical copper deposition. The converted copper is deposited in the coating by the method of electrophoresis, and then the incidence of vermicelline, rough edge, and so on. When a very small amount of phosphorus is enrolled in the anodizing process, it is solved by titanium electrode (or drag cylinder) and converted into layers of gray and black phosphorus film on the anodizing surface. Some changes occur in the process of anodizing melting system:
1, gray black phosphorus film has a strong reaction to the elementary element 2 has a significant catalytic activity, greatly accelerate the air oxidation of cuprous ions, slow strong reaction into fast strong reaction, greatly reduce the accumulation of east Asian copper ions in the tank. A phosphorus film on the anodized surface can also prevent cuprous ions from entering the tank, promote its air oxidation, and reduce cuprous ions into the tank. The error between the two lines of the standard anodized gray-black nickel alloy film is 1.5&TImes. 104Ω-1CM-1, with the conductivity of metal materials, is not easy to harm the conductivity of anodizing, and nickel alloy anodizing wall spring copper anodizing anode polarization is small, in Da is 1ASD, the anodizing potential difference of phosphorus 0.02- 0.05% copper anodizing is 50 lower than T2 oxygen free copper anodizing? Gray black anodized phosphorus film in the agreed current intensity is not easy to form anodized passivation treatment.
2. The gray black phosphorus film on the surface of anodizing will make the anodizing abnormal melting, greatly reduce the fall of thin particles, and further improve the output power of the application of anodizing. When anodizing with 0.4? 1.2 At ASD current intensity, there is a linear correlation between the phosphorus content on anodic oxidation and the thickness of black film. Phosphorus water content in anodized oxidation at 0.030? The application of 0.075% corrosion anodizing has the maximum output power, and the anodized gray black phosphorus film is converted into the best.
Cuprous ions also occur during the process of cathode deposition system:
Cu2++e-→Cu 3
Cu2++e-→Cu+ slow strong response 4
Cu++e-→Cu fast strong response 5